Hello! ….
And a very friendly and colourful welcome to the
Sidmouth Society of Artists (SSA) Website
Latest News...
Please note that our venue for all up coming demo's and events will be held
at the
Sidmouth Conservative Club
Radway Place, Sidmouth, Devon, EX10 8TL
Our Next Live
Members Event
Use of
Ipad Artist Illustrator
Using Pro Create
Thursday 23rd January
2pm -4pm
Do you have a passion for art? Enjoy painting or sculpting? or perhaps are thinking of picking up a paintbrush for the first time? Then you are amongst friends… Why not come along and see what we are about?.. let's create a colourful future for Sidmouth and the South West.
We are a friendly art society who host monthly demonstrations at Sidmouth Conservative Club, organise a variety of members events and hold a number of exhibitions throughout the year. Exhibitions include 'Art in the Theatre', a fantastic opportunity for members to display their artwork in the prestigious Manor Pavilion, Sidmouth & our highly anticipated Summer 'Festival of Art' at Kennaway House.
Our live demonstrations/talks cover a wide variety of topics and mediums. Live events are held at The Conservative Club, Radway Place, Sidmouth. All demonstrations can be attended by members free of charge, guests and visitors are most welcome and are charged a nominal fee. All sessions make use of a large viewing screen and video equipment to maximize your experience and offer a birds eye view of proceedings. Tea, coffee and biscuits are served in the break. For more details of demonstrators, dates & times visit our Programme Page.
We do very much hope you find the information that you are looking for here, if not please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to help...